auto injury chiropractic care Lafayette, LA

Better Oxygen. Better Circulation. Better Health.

Try out hyperbaric oxygen therapy in Lafayette, LA

Higher oxygen levels promote better circulation, which, in turn, can boost your overall health. That's why you should try hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) at Community Chiropractic of Lafayette. Even outdoors, you normally only breathe 20% oxygen, but in an HBOT chamber, you get 100% oxygen.

At Community Chiropractic of Lafayette, we'll target your hypoxic areas affected by trauma, infection, or any sort of tissue dysfunction. HBOT sends oxygen to the injured tissues so that they can heal more rapidly.

Notice a difference in your overall health. Try hyperbaric oxygen therapy in Lafayette, LA today.

Regenerate your health

Poor health is not permanent. There are ways to improve how you feel each day with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. This therapy has the ability to stimulate stem cell reproduction by 800%. After just one session, you might notice a positive changes in...

  • Dementia
  • Heart disease
  • Asthma
  • Stroke
  • Emphysema
  • COPD
  • Anemia
  • Inflammation
  • Brain trauma
  • Inflammation after injury
  • Profound effect - DNA/genes

Discover the benefits for yourself. Call 337-984-8605 today to schedule your first hyperbaric oxygen therapy appointment in Lafayette, LA.

60 Minute Sessions

Single Session$85
Package of 3 ($81/per)$243
Package of 10 ($77/per)$770
Package of 15 ($72/per)$1,080
Package of 25 ($72/per)$1,700
Package of 40 ($59/per)$2,360

90 Minute Sessions

Single Session$125
Package of 3 ($118/per)$354
Package of 10 ($112/per)$1,120
Package of 15 ($106/per)$1,590
Package of 25 ($100/per)$2,500
Package of 40 ($87/per)$3,480